Lockhart Ministries

Looking for truth in all the wrong places

People today are on a search; desperately looking for something to make life easier, more pleasant, or just plain worth living.  It appears that all of secular society is centered in on a mission to find itself.  There’s almost no end to the self-help books, CDs, videos, seminars, you name it. Nearly all of today’s “Me generation” is consumed with self. They’ve convinced themselves that the one thing that will finally give them the peace, serenity or satisfaction they desire is just around the next corner. What we find instead is a society that is increasingly taking drugs or drinking to give them a thrill, numb the pain or escape from reality more than ever before.  What little satisfaction or happiness is found quickly pales and they begin their search anew, hoping to find a better fix, a new thrill or maybe just a little respite from the torment of their inner pain and struggles. People are trying to satisfy their desperate needs with anything they can find that will give them some semblance of peace, pleasure, or relief, even if only for a moment.

God created mankind to have an ongoing relationship and continual fellowship with Him. It is an essential part of our makeup as human beings. We were never designed to live a life separated from His presence and we cannot ever be completely fulfilled without Him. When Adam and Eve sinned, they lost both fellowship and relationship with God their Creator. This made an emptiness in the soul of man that people have been trying to satisfy ever since. As Christians, we must come to realize there is a far better way.  There is a Heavenly plan for our redemption, our eternal restoration and salvation, and it can only be found in the pages of the Bible. That is where we will learn how to let Christ restore the relationship that was lost, and to put God back into His proper place in our hearts, our minds and our lives.

One of the first things we must come to realize when we are born-again is that the Bible is not just an ordinary book, filled with ordinary words, written to an ordinary people.  God’s Word is active and alive and has the power to completely transform your way of thinking if you will allow it to do so.  It can give you great hope in the middle of despair, wonderful joy in place of your sorrow, peace in the midst of turmoil.  All you have to do is cooperate with it.

The number one cause for any Christian’s failure to succeed in life is their never coming to an understanding of just who we are in Christ and what He expects of us.  That understanding can only come from a diligent study of God’s Word, where Christ can make Himself, His ways and His plans known to us.

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